When I first started recommending the low-carb / ketogenic diet to my patients it was extremely rare that anyone had even heard of it!
Now, 5 or so years later it has become hugely popular and the most common type of enquiry I get goes a little something like this: “Hi Christina, I came across your website on google, I have been following the keto diet for X amount of time now but I’m not losing any weight. Can you help me?” Now I’m generalising and paraphrasing here but I think you get the idea. After being inundated with these types of enquiries, I decided to put together a “cheat sheet” for myself so that I could efficiently get to the bottom of the issue. After completing the cheat sheet, I came to the realisation that simply going low-carb was not enough to achieve sustained weight loss, and for some, going low-carb wasn’t even enough to get them started. So now, I want to share with you the most common problems that create an inability to lose weight while on a low-carb diet. 1. You think you are eating low-carb, but you’re not A lot of people who have been following the “low-carb” diet are shocked when I explain that sweet potato is to be avoided, or that the “low-carb” bread or wraps they have been eating aren’t in fact low-carb at all. My advice here would be to investigate everything you eat. Just because some marketing genius has slapped the words “low-carb” on a product, does not mean that it actually is. One of my favourite websites to use is www.calorieking.com.au it is a very informative and accurate database – and it’s Australian! As for how many carbs you should be eating each day, this is completely different for everyone. Just because a certain website says you have to eat under 20g per day to lose weight, doesn’t mean it is healthy and right for you. Experiment with different amounts and seek expert advice if you feel you are struggling to find a happy balance. 2. You’re eating waayyyy too much fake, processed food This is a big one. Artificial sweeteners, protein bars, sugar free chocolate, salami, bacon – these are all fake foods which are toxic to our bodies when consumed in excess. Just because something is “low-carb” it doesn’t mean it is healthy and although “low-carb” junk might “fit your macros” consuming it can lead to a weight loss stall and for some people, a gain. They way to correct this issues is to always choose REAL food first. By that I mean, vegetables, fresh ones! Low-carb fruits, nuts, seeds and of course, portion controlled amounts of healthy protein. Cravings are completely normal, and I always tell my patients, if you experience cravings, enjoy a small amount if the thing you want, whether it’s low-carb or not. Take a bite, enjoy the moment and move on. You will find that you feel satisfied sooner when you choose REAL food. There are also several nutritional and herbal remedies which I recommend to reduce and eliminate cravings. 3. You’re eating too many foods that disrupt your hormones Over time, research is showing that weight gain is not a calorie, carb or inactivity issue, it is actually a hormonal issue. This is a huge topic that I will discuss in detail in a future blog. There are many different hormones that play a role in weight gain, but the basics of it is, if you eat too many foods that disrupt our delicate balance of hormones, you will struggle to lose weight. Common hormonal disruptors include dairy, soy and even eating too much meat and disrupt the balance. Being cautious and reducing the amount of these foods in your diet is a great way to start helping your body to restore the balance but in many cases, further treatment is required. 4. You’re eating too much fat I totally get that “fat bombs” work for some people, but for most of us, they don’t. Especially if you are struggling with a damaged metabolism, sluggish liver or other complicated health issues. I know we are moving away from the whole “low-fat” era now but that doesn’t mean we need to start consuming copious amounts of fat just because it is “low-carb” Instead, look at consuming a portion controlled size of healthy fat. I like to recommend a tablespoon with each main meal. 5. You’re eating too much protein I see this one all the time. Excess consumption of protein can lead to glycogenesis, which basically means, any excess protein which is consumed will turn into sugar and be stored as fat in the same way a donut will. My recommended portion size for protein is a palm sized portion per meal. 6. You don’t have anyone to keep you accountable The need for accountability is huge when it comes to any major diet or lifestyle change. It is way too easy to slip into old habits when no one is there to encourage and support you. I would suggest encouraging a good friend, your mum/dad or your partner to start making these healthy changes with you and of course I would recommend seeking external professional support to ensure you are following a safe, healthy and effective plan. These are just a few of the most common reasons why going "low-carb" is simply not enough for some people to achieve the results they are after. There are many other factors to consider, including the amount of carbs you consume and the type of low-carb foods you choose to put in your body. Ultimately it's about doing what is best for you. So, if you are struggling to shift the weight or have reached a “low-carb” plateau, I can help! Reach out to me anytime using the form below.
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